Tissp International

Tissp International

Temperature Sensors & Accessories

Tissp International

Temperature Sensors & Accessories

Compensating Cable

General Application :
Compensating cable (thermo-couple extension wire) is a pair of different metal wires having temperature E.M.F. characterisitics relative to the thermo-copules with which the wires are intended to be used. when properly connected to the thermocopule, the thermocouple junction box is in effect extended to the other end of wire. both the conductors of the extension cable consist partially of the same material as thermo-couple, partially of special materials having, within the temperature range from to 1000c the same thermo-voltage as the wires of the thermocouple.

Construction :

compensating cable is having 2 cores ( positive & negative different colour) each core electrically & thermally insulated individually, both cores are further sheathed as per user”s requirements, cables are flat in shape.

Resistance :
Cable resistances are as mentioned in the table. the cable is generally supplied with three-stranded conductors in each core with 1.5 mm cross-section. however solid wire or multi-stranded conductor cables can also be supplied. cable with other cross-sectional areas can also be offered where required.

Insulation :
The cable can be supplied with insulations like :-

  • PVC insulated & PVC sheathed type CI/CC-01.
  • Double asbestos covering or inner PVC outer asbestos type CI/CC-02.
  • Inner PVC and outer cotton braided was compounded ( weather proof) type CI/CC-03.
  • Double fibre glass covered type CI/CC-04.
  • Any particular type as per requirement type CI/CC-X.
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